How well do we know New York?

Flight of the Liberty Eagle over New York City
It is one of the nation's symbols and stands for the ideals of the United States of America. The prefabricated model is nicely complemented by the eagle, a bird that has stood in for freedom for generations, and it adds to the feeling of New York, a city that values freedom.
All of the components for the construction set are made from sanded, environmentally safe wood. It will feel good to the touch and be entirely safe for you.
It is also crucial that the box you receive includes thorough directions and illustrations that will enable you to put Liberty Eagle together quickly. You may complete this challenge even if it is your first time working with hardwood 3D models!
A fantastic way to treat yourself or your loved ones is with a Liberty Eagle. The design is also appropriate for devoted enthusiasts of construction toys and puzzles. The model from WoodTrick will perfectly match your decor and let you virtually visit the city you want!

Complexity3 level
Model Dimensions285*295*620 mm
Number of pieces308
Package Dimensions370*185*50 mm
Assembly time6-8 hours
Package Weight1,370 kg